Monday, April 30, 2012

In the Spirit of Spring and Manning!

I have been waiting patiently all spring for May to get here, so it's no surprise that I ran out to Home Depot at the first available opportunity to purchase flowers!
The last few days I have worked hard to till the soil and get it ready.  When we first moved into our house, the soil couldn't have bee dryer and there was not one sign of anything growing in it.  About a month ago, John went out and tilled it first.  It took him a lot of work due to how dry it was, but he did well.  We let it be for a month and through that time a few weeds started to grow- a sign of life!

After tilling but before planting
John and I had discussed what kind of flowers to plant, but we never did decide.  John did make one request last night and that was to have blue and orange flowers in honor of the Broncos.  John is such a huge Broncos fan so how could I refuse?

You can definitely see the orange and blue!
I was able to find some bluish purple pansies and some other type of small bluish purple flowers.  The orange flowers consisted of marigolds and I added some soft orange lilies that are gorgeous!  
It was great to get out into the sun and dig through dirt.  The last time I planted flowers I had to have been 10, helping my mom with our backyard flowers.  And considering, I think it turned out really good!

My favorite is the Lily on the side!

Our house isn't perfect, and we still have some work to do, but I think its coming along really nicely.  Now if only I could get rid of the weeds.

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