Thursday, February 16, 2012

How far I have come

Just like many others, I used to be a really healthy person.  I was that high school girl who watched what I ate and was guaranteed to be found at the gym after school- and if you couldn't find me there, look next door at the local swimming pool where I would also swim laps after every workout.

When I hit the 170lb mark last October, the 173lb mark to be exact, I decided to make a change, like so many times before.  Except this time it felt different, this time I didn't give myself a choice.

I immediately went back to the basics, eat less, eat smarter and work out harder.  I started taking in more protein and healthy carbs.  I also started going to the gym more.

Today, I am 155lbs.  That's almost 20lbs lighter than I was 5 months ago.  I have also lost 3.5 inches off of my hips, which is way farther than I thought I would be at this point.  I'm definitely not perfect and I still have my eat bad days.  I also realize that I constantly need to revamp what I do to continue to get results, but with these results its always worth it.

This is my journey.  My journey of being healthy and learning to love myself in the process.