Sunday, October 21, 2012

Tis the Season!

Tis the season of political debates, both official and non official.  Tis the season of political outbursts on Facebook and Twitter.
This is the time that everyone is allowed to have a say in their country's future.  Of course there are many decisions to be made, but the big decision on everyone's mind is who our next President should be, whether we stay with Obama another four years, or choose to change the path by making it Romney. 
I just received my Mail-In-Ballot yesterday and although I have already made my decision of who I will be voting for, I realize there are still American's out there that are still not sure.  For those who are still struggling with the decision I encourage you to check out this website!  It's a great website that asks you a series of questions to see which side you mostly belong to.  This is a great way to put aside the person and get to the main issues.  All too often I see people make their choices based on the candidate, the candidates past, and comments the candidate might have said. 

I encourage everyone to get out and vote!  Please, take part in our future!

Picture from:

Which candidate would you like to see be President for the next 4 years?

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