After an afternoon filled with shopping, one of my girlfriends informed me about her decision to participate in the "26 Random Acts of Kindness." She told me that a cousin of hers has been doing it, and proudly posting pictures of all of her good deeds on Facebook. This whole movement started after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. 26 acts of kindness to remember the 26 victims who lost their lives in such a terrible way.
The next day, as I was watching the news, I heard about it again and how it is becoming such a wonderful, inspirational thing. Well, you don't have to tell me more than twice as to what I need to do. I needed to commit to doing this, not only for others, but for myself. So, that is what I'm doing!
For my first act, I donated some money to St. Jude Children's Hospital through one of my favorite clothing stores. It helped that it came with a coupon for $20 off any purchase of $50 or more. It still felt good. The check out lady told us that it cost millions of dollars a day to operate the hospital to help save these children's lives. What can feel better than helping save a child's life?
For my 2nd random act of kindness, I helped a blind man and his older mother get into a restaurant. Usually, I try not to step in and help because far too often it can offend some by taking away their independence. But it looked as if this man was newly blind and his mother seemed to be having difficulties getting him where he needed to go. They had a service dog with them, but the dog didn't seem completely trained as he was far too interested in me instead of helping his owner. After I helped guide them inside they seemed extremely grateful, which makes it all worth it. Obviously, I did not take a picture out of respect.
I have been trying to come up with ways to keep this going, because I do think there needs to be more kindness in the world. My girlfriend, who is doing this, was telling me about all the items she bought in amounts of 26 to donate to a local shelter. She bought 26 cans of food, 26 boxes of Mac n' Cheese, 26 scarves, 26 gloves and 26 hats. I thought that was such a great idea that I'm going to steal it, but modify it just a little. As most of you already know, I am a huge animal lover! There is nothing better than a dog who loves his owner. So, with my next check, I plan to go buy some dog food, both dry and canned to donate to a local dog shelter. Buying 26 bags of food might be a little too out of my price range, but I'll feel so good doing something.
My next idea is to go through my whole closet to find items to donate somewhere (I still need to do some research). So far I have 7 pairs of jeans/capris that I honestly don't believe I will ever fit in again. And if I do ever become successful in my weight loss goals I can always go buy new jeans. I still have shorts, skirts and shirts to go through, but I honestly think I might be able to get together 26 items to donate.
My hats off to whoever came up with this idea. You truly are an angel!
Are you participating in 26RAK? Would you like to? It is never too late to do a good deed!
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